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If you owned a magic machine that made lots of money, you would want to insure it. 

Well, YOU are that magic machine.


Income Protection

Income Protection insurance provides the peace of mind that you will receive 75% of your income in the event that you are unable to work in your normal occupation due to illness or injury.

An income protection policy will allow you to:

Pay your mortgage and protect the family home.
Pay the food bills.
Pay for essential services such as power, rates, phone etc.
It will lessen the financial impact that not working would otherwise have.


If you are like most people, your lifestyle will be dependant upon your income. Your income is dependant on your ability to work. It is your health that allows you to work.

Your health and your ability to work are your greatest assets. 
For example, the ability to earn an income of $50,000 per annum over the next 30 years is a $1,500,000 asset today.

Why Insure Your Ability to Earn An Income?
We think nothing of insuring valuable assets such as our homes, our cars or our contents. If we lost these things, we would want to replace them.

What are some other income options and are they realistic?

Rely on sick leave?  But how long does this last and what if you have just changed jobs?
Rely on ACC?  But they don't cover illness and how long will they pay for?
Rely on your partner to work?  Can your partner be a nurse, run the household, be a parent and earn two incomes?
Sell assets?  Would you want to? Sell your house or other hard earned assets? How long would the money last?

There is a better way:



Five out of every ten males aged 25 years old are likely to become disabled due to an illness or accident before they turn 65 that will prevent them from working for at least a month 
Seven out of every ten females are likely to become disabled due to an illness or accident before they turn 65 that will prevent them from working at least a month 
Of these, nearly a third will still be on claim 12 months later. 
Source: Davies Financial & Actuarial Limited


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